Wednesday, October 17, 2012

For the Wearisome Mama...

Good Morning. Or evening or afternoon. It's morning for me. It's still dark, the sky is beginning to shine hues of blue and pink and purple. I've got a candle lit. Hot coffee near. It is just me, my journal, and the Word. These mornings have been getting me through the day. It's like stopping at the Exxon on the way to work. I fill up. Zoom on when I hear that sweet little voice calling me to come get her.

"The first one is definitely the hardest," she said. "It's the biggest transition in your life because you are dramatically changing. You have to get used to the new you." I was honestly shocked hearing this from the mother of three, all under the age of four. At the same time a little encouraged that it'll get easier from here. I'll get into a rhythm. And I have been getting into a rhythm. Like this waking up before she does thing. That's a first for me. But it's my Bread. I know what He meant when He said man must live on more than Bread alone (John 4) the woman at the well.

This is my well. Because...

"Even youths become weak and tired..BUT those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31-32.

Hey there are some days when I'm sure all of you feel like you're going to faint. I was in a rhythm a few weeks ago. It was blowing my mind. I was experiencing His grace. I was keeping my house clean most of the time, rather than some. I was in the Word every day..It was pretty awesome. But then Lucy hit a week of tantrums and fits...And it threw me off. I knew how tired and worn out I was when I broke an egg into my coffee...Yikes. It made me laugh. But it also made me realize I need some serious grace. I realize we have off weeks. Especially us women, with all our crazy hormones. We get hormonal, sleep deprived, Word deprived, romance deprived, dangerously dehydrated because coffee is just getting us through the day....Poor husbands. Watch out!

Even youths become weak and tired...It's okay. His grace and strength are right there. We just have to look up. Into His eyes. Just stop. Glance....Grace. There it is. I'm thanking Him this morning for pulling me through the weariness, back into His arms of Grace. He empowers and He ignites. I just wish I could stay here longer. But I believe I am and I will...As He continues His Work within me (Phil 1).

Okay weary mama, do this with me. Sit down. Take a deep breath. And say, "Jesus. I need you. I look to you for help. I believe you will renew my strength because it is what you promise."

And watch the rhythms of grace return to your days.


  1. praying that prayer at the end! thanks for sharing, i needed it today :)
