As I stared carefully at my baby girl so peacefully asleep in her swing, I found myself studying her every instance, the way her chubby legs lay, the way her mouth was just slightly smiling, her eye lashes like tiny, slender feathers, her skins so pure, her little hands so innocent..I thought to myself, "This is passing too quickly! She is already 8 weeks!" I am savoring every moment. I wanna coo right back at her, make her laugh, make her happy, comfort her, cuddle with her, ooo and ahhhh at her strong kicks and big stretches. This is why I haven't made blogging a priority! I'm too busy enjoying what I'm intending to write about.
I just got off the phone with a close friend who've I known since high school. I told her, with confidence, that I'm that happiest I've been in a long time. I have never felt such fullness in my life. Such fulfillment. She shared with me that when she visited a friend of hers recently, she was surprised at her friend's astonishment of how wonderful motherhood is. Her friend said, "No one ever told me how great this is!" And maybe we kind of think it's "cute" how mothers dote on their kids; or think stay at home moms are just wanting to escape their jobs or find an excuse to do nothing...I think it is the greatest, most special gift God gave be mothers.
Lucy is a funny little thing..She is strong willed, passionate, and high maintenance already! When she is tired she must be held a certain way or bounced or rocked or swayed or danced around--she'll let you know. She doesn't want to miss out on a thing. Often times I'll be soothing her to sleep, so I think, but I'll look down and she'll close her eyes real quick. I'm not kidding, she is funny. I'll lay down with her for a nap, and i'll watch her peak open her eyes to make sure i'm there, then she'll close them and go to sleep. People are always amazed at how bright-eyed she is. She's very alert most of the time--she has been like that since day 1. The nurses at the hospital couldn't believe how alert she was. So curious at the new world around her. She is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. Giant eyes, long eye-lashes, beautiful skin, dark hair, chubby little cheeks. She is perfect in every way..God really made her wonderfully. I could stare at her all day.
I'm feeling more myself than I have in a long time. I am so thankful for Ben's new job. He is home so much more, the quality of time we get is amazing. We are having such a sweet time as a family and I just keep pinching myself.